Basic electronics book for beginners

Make your First Electronic Circuit

.. even if you don’t have a clue about electronics or confused by too much information. Learn electronics basics step by step and enjoy the joy and satisfaction of making circuit with your own handsno experience needed!

A Perfect Introduction To Electronic Circuits

5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Readers will gain an understanding of how various components function and learn techniques for testing them. With the help of detailed schematic diagrams, the book guides you step-by-step toward building a fully operational circuit. Additionally, it provides practical guidance on troubleshooting and correcting errors. I highly recommend this book for beginners wishing to get a head start in electronics.
Tony Bissell
Amazon verified review

It is very simple,

To learn electronic BASIcs AND MAKE CIRCUITS, you have to start somewhere

But there’s a problem ..

  • You don’t know from where to start? Nobody has given you a plan
  • You may be thinking electronics is too hard to understand
  • There is information overload, don’t know what to study
  • What you have tried so far isn’t working
  • Too much complicated math & hours of theory
  • No community to learn and share your specific problems – this is actually a big one
  • No practice or lab work i.e., no hands-on-experience

Does the above resonate with you?

Above problems are probably the factors why 70% of students feel confused about learning electronics. And you know, among the above different factors, the main factor why students feel this way is – too much confusing information.

So, There has to be a Better Solution. Agree?

I have the exact same above issues when I was a student and that is why I wrote


The step by step book that is designed to teach you electronics basics while you make your first electronic circuit (developing your circuit making skill. It is not a theory book, it is the practical book; the book I wish I had when I didn’t have a clue about electronics.

learn electronics from scratch

– Four points that makes this book different from all the others –

Written for complete beginners

No more overwhelming and confusion. I tried my best to present every topic in a simple possible way, so a complete beginner can understand them without any problems. I was myself a beginner one time, I know exactly how & why little details matter when you are just starting out a new subject. 

REAL PROJECT based Learning

You will not find a book that takes a student on a journey of making his own first real time electronic circuit. This is a unique way I thought of to teach a student all the basic of electronics in real time. It is more fun to finish the book with a real circuit in your hands—eliminating all the confusion.

Short & sweet 164 Pages

I personally don’t like lengthy books, because I find it hard to read them all. And when I don’t finish them, I have that guilt of not finishing something. That is why I combined my 4 years of engineering and many years of experience in 164 pages. These pages packed with useful information & ready to take action materials. 

FUN Activities

I am a huge fan of creative activities. In this book, we will be doing activities in almost every section that will make you think outside the box. Don’t worry, they will be beginner-friendly.

Book interior

I wanted a book that is full of diagrams. I don’t know but concepts gets way too easy when there are easy expalanatory diagrams.

Book Syllabus – What Exactly You Will Learn

Make Your First Electronic Circuit is a beginner’s journey from learning the basics of electronics to building actual circuits. Each chapter in this book is carefully designed to guide you on this journey. You won’t just be reading theory; you’ll be making real progress with every chapter.

Chapter 1

Introduction to electronics

This chapter introduces core concepts like voltage, current, and Ohm’s law. You’ll understand what a circuit is, how to read a schematic, and why it’s the blueprint for every project. You’ll feel confident with the electronics fundamentals terms before moving on.

Chapter 2

Circuit components

This chapter introduces you to the main building blocks of any circuit. You’ll learn about resistors, transistors, diodes, LEDs, capacitors, Integrated Circuit (ICs), and more. By the end, you’ll understand what each circuit component does and why it’s important.

Chapter 3

Measurements and testing

 Components need to be measured and tested before we use them in circuits.Here, we learn how to use a multimeter to measure voltage, current, and resistance. This chapter ensures you know how to test your components and make sure they’re working correctly.

Chapter 4

Circuit prototyping

 It’s time to bring everything together and build your first working circuit. You’ll use a breadboard to connect the components and bring your circuit to life step by step. You’ll see your circuit in action—proof that you’ve built something real. By the end, you’ll have successfully made your FIRST ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT from scratch.

Chapter 5

Circuit troubleshooting

Not every circuit works perfectly the first time, but that’s part of the learning process. This chapter walks you through common problems and shows how to troubleshoot issues like loose connections or reversed components. You’ll learn to fix your circuit and make it work smoothly.

Table of content

It took me a long time to structure everything in the following manner. Each topic lays the foundation for the other. And everything flows in a story making electronics learning fun and engaging. You complete one chapter and you will have the curiosity what will happen in the next chapter.

  • History of electronics
  • What is electronics
  • Material classification
    • Conductors
    • Insulators
    • Semiconductors
  • Definition of electronics
  • Electronic circuit
  • Circuit schematic
  • Basic electronics terms
    • Voltage
    • Current
    • Ohm’s law
    • Power
  • Circuit components
    • Active components
    • Passive components
  • Resistor
    • Unit of measurement
    • Circuit symbol
    • Physical resistor
    • Resistor power rating
    • Resistor value reading
    • Resistor functions
  • Capacitor
    • Unit of measurement
    • Types of capacitors
    • Electrolytic capacitor
      • Concept of polarity
      • Circuit symbol
      • Physical electrolytic capacitors
      • Electrolytic capacitor functions
      • Capacitor value reading
    • Ceramic capacitor
      • Circuit symbol and physical ceramic capacitors
      • Ceramic capacitor value reading
      • Ceramic capacitor functions
  • Diode
    • Circuit symbol
    • Physical diode
    • Forward and reverse biasing
    • Types of diodes
    • Diode functions
  • LED
    • Circuit symbol
    • Physical LED
    • LED functions
  • Transistor
    • Transistor types
    • Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
    • NPN transistor
      • Circuit symbol and physical NPN
      • NPN transistor functions
    • PNP transistor
      • PNP circuit symbol
      • PNP functions
  • Integrated Circuits (ICs)
    • Circuit symbol
    • Integrated Circuits (ICs) functions
  • Measurements and testing
  • Multimeter
    • Analog multimeters
    • Digital multimeters (DMMs)
    • Multimeter anatomy
      • Display
      • Function selector
      • Probes
      • Input ports
      • Function buttons
    • Multimeter testing
      • Visual inspection
      • Open test
      • Short test
  • Resistor measurement and testing
  • Voltage measurement
    • DC (Direct Current) voltage
    • AC (Alternating Current) voltage
    • DC voltage measurement
    • Voltage drop measurement
  • DC current measurement
  • Capacitor measurement and testing
  • LED testing
  • Continuity testing
  • Transistor testing
  • Integrated Circuit (555 IC) testing
  • Prototyping
  • Prototyping tools
    • Breadboard
      • Body
      • Divider notch
      • Power rails
      • Mini breadboard
    • Connecting wires
      • Pre-cut wires
      • Flexible jumper wires
      • Custom cut wires
    • Tool kit
    • Multimeter
    • Power source
    • Understand the schematic
    • Components preparation
    • Circuit making
      • Placing the components
        • 555 IC placing
        • Resistor placing
        • LED placing
        • Transistor placing
        • Capacitor placing
      • Making connections
  • Troubleshooting
  • Common beginner mistakes
    • Misinterpreting circuit schematics
    • Overlooking simple solutions
  • Connection issues
    • Misconnection
      • Identify a wrong connection
      • Causes of a wrong connection
      • Troubleshooting a wrong connection
    • Loose connections
      • Identify loose connections
      • Causes of a loose connection
      • Troubleshooting a loose connection
      • Preventing loose connections
      • Loose connection mathematics
    • Short connections
      • Identify short connections
      • Causes of a short connection
      • Troubleshooting a short connection
      • Preventing short connections
  • Component issues
    • Faulty component
      • Faulty resistor
      • Faulty capacitor
      • Faulty transistor
      • Faulty LED (Diode)
      • Faulty 555 Timer IC
    • Components polarities
    • Shorting components on the breadboard
  • Power supply and voltage issues
    • Selecting the right power supply
    • Beginner mistakes
      • Incorrect polarity
      • Inadequate power supply connections
      • Forgetting to turn off the power
      • Using a discharged or weak battery
      • Overlooking power supply ratings
      • Not using a proper ground connection
    • How to check if your 9V battery is discharged


Let me introduce myself

founder of yaman electronics abbas

Muhammad Abbas

Electronics Engineer

Loves electronic circuits & play badminton

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing great & living life to its fullest. I am Abbas – your brother for this amazing and exciting book, “Make your first electronic circuit”. 

I just wish there is a way that in a few lines I can totally explain myself and let you truly know me. Because as human or maybe this is just me, I really like to know a person well enough before I invest my time in that person. But as humans, what we can do our best is to try our best. And I will try my best here to give as much about myself as possible.

My love and passion for electronics begin from my childhood.

This is because my father was passionate about computers back then.

He got to know about computers when he was working in a factory where they work in hot temperatures while the guy who knew how to use a computer work under air conditioner (AC).

Later on, my father discovered that AC was not for him, but for the big computer sitting there. And this is how he became aware of computers.

Back then, computers were too expensive, and you got to know how to work with MS-DOS. My father was very excited about it and when computers became less expensive and Windows 95 were introduced. My father bought his first computer. I can’t remember the other specs, but it was manufactured by Compaq. 

I was a child close to his father. Not only that, but I will be sitting there with him while he was doing something on the screen.

I never took interest in what was on the screen. I was interested in watching the green boards all over there inside the open CPU and the bunch of cool wire strips.

I ask dozens of questions about those things. What is this big green thing, my father answers, this is the motherboard of the computer. This board is doing everything I do on the screen. 

I can’t possibly enlist all my childhood stories and questions and the moments I have with my father and the open CPU.

But let me share the one question that changed my life.

One normal day, my father was working on a computer, and I was looking at the CPU and asked my father who makes these boards. And he answered, “Electronics Engineers”.

That was the moment I decided that I want to become an electronics engineer.

And now I am writing this story with a smile on my face, some small tears in my eyes as well (because the journey was not that easy), and with a degree in electronics engineering from one of the prestigious institutes of my country.

With the blessing of GOD, I did it. Not just under graduation in electronics engineer, but Master’s as well.

Sorry for taking so much of your time, and thank you for reading it.

With the blessing of my parents and God, I have completed the following degrees.

  • Master of Science (MS) in Electrical Engineering, Specialized in Radio Frequencies (RF) & Microwaves – National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Islamabad.
  • B.Sc Electronics Engineering – University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Peshawar.

I always wanted such a book for myself when I was student.

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My main goal for this book is to teach & help you learn electronics basics. If this is not helping you, then I really don’t need your money. Your money is protected by a 30 day money-back guarantee. 

Frequently asked questions

If you don’t see your question or left with any confusion, just contact me. I will answer that for you. Don’t hesistate to ask me.

If you have a passion & interest for electronics, then yes, this book is right for you.

Yes, I try to put together everything, keeping myself in the shoes of a complete beginner. 

No, you don’t need any prior knowledge to understand the materials of this book. 

All you need to be persistence.

If you don’t understand anything, ask questions. I will be there to help you.

Electronics is part of engineering. And there is no engineering without mathematics.

So to be very honest, this book does have math, but it is presented so simple that you will have no hard time understanding it. 

I believe, math is not a problem. Because you as a human has infinite potential to learn anything. 

The problem is, it is presented badly.

So, in this book, I try my level best to present math as simple as possible. 

And don’t worry, there is not too much math in this book.

If you do not like the book for any reason. Just contact us with in 30 days of purchase, and we will give you your money back without any question asked. 

Yes, and I strongly recommend it for revisiting basic concepts if you are not a complete beginner.

I am sure you will also learn things that will be completely new for you.  

It is important to make a decision today – Price Will Go Up SooN ..

I sincerely thank all of you to make it this far. This means so much to me. And if you think that this book is perfect for you, then please give it a try. I have so much to teach you. If you put this decision off for now, you could miss out on low price opportunity. The book is at its lowest price tag now and I will soon increase it. Keep in mind that this isn’t some scarcity marketing tactic. I truly mean it. Buy now, and I see you in the book with a beautiful smile.