7 Best Soldering practice kits (For beginners 2025)

Soldering is an exciting part of any electronic circuit design. To master this skill, a good way is to get yourself a bunch of best soldering practice kits.

By practice kit, I mean a well designed circuit with everything included (components, connecting wires, ICs, PCB board) waiting for you to solder it. You can think it a do it yourself (DIY) project.

There are so many practice kits out there. To get the best one there are certain you need to know first. The first one is a well documented manual book. This is so important. The second is to look for the thick terminals of all the components. The third is the layers of PCB and so much more.

If the above excites you then I am pretty sure you will find the rest of this article useful.

Hi, I am Abbas. In this article, I will share with you some amazing practice kits for soldering, will share some soldering tips, and much more.

I am not perfect, nor this article is going to be. This is just my limited knowledge try to help you somehow.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Best soldering practice kits

Beginners and in general people get excited about soldering a circuit board. And why not one shouldn’t be. It is fun. You actually build a circuit yourself. This boosts your confidence, and you take learning electronics more seriously in some cases.

The proven way to learn to solder is to practice on some soldering kits. Now a soldering kit is a complete package. It has an instruction book and all the required components for you to put together and solder.

Best soldering practice kits

Soldering seems an easy task from the outside. But believe me, as fun it seems there is so much to this skill.

You need to have a decent soldering station and all the required soldering accessories if you want to take your soldering game to a new level.

If you don’t equip yourself with the right soldering tools chances are you may end up with a bad soldered circuit. A badly finished circuit may not work the way it is supposed to, and you may end up wasting your resources and most importantly your time.

Furthermore, soldering also needs a dedicated focus. For example, if you don’t pay attention to the polarities of components (in the case of LEDs and diodes) you will then have to resolder them and correct them. In some cases, you may damage them completely and have to buy a new set of soldering practice kits.

In a short summary, a good finished best soldering practice kit is the result of quality tools and strong dedication. You will master this skill only with constant practice. Following are my few suggestions for you to increase the chances of a good end circuit.

Useful tips for soldering kits

Following are a few standard tips that would help you solder an amazing circuit board.

Remember in soldering you will be working with a hot iron, so please be careful as a little mistake can harm or burn you badly. Never leave a soldering iron unattended while its plug is in the socket. Never do the soldering when you are not mentally committed or present.

And most importantly, be never frustrated if things don’t go the way you imagined them to be.

  • The soldering iron can’t touch the components for a long time(1.0 seconds), otherwise, it will damage the components.
  • Pay attention to the positive and negative of the components.
  • Strictly prohibit short circuits.
  • The user must install the LED according to the specified rules. Otherwise, some LEDs will not light.
  • Install complex components preferentially.
  • Make sure all components are in the right direction and right place.
  • Check that all of the LEDs can be illuminated.
  • It is strongly recommended to read the installation manual before starting the installation.
  • Please wear anti-static gloves or anti-static wristbands when installing electronic components.

Types of soldering practice kits

Well, this may not be that important to discuss but I think you should know this thing especially if you are a complete beginner.

There are two types of soldering kits based on the electronics components. What I mean by this is, that electronics components come in through holes and SMDs.

  • Through holes components
  • Surface mount devices (SMDs)

Through holes components are those which have thick terminals you may say legs that go through the holes of PCBs.

electronic components testing
Through holes vs SMD components

While on the other hand SMDs are soldered on the surface of the PCBs. Both components have their own uses and advantages. It is not like which is better – it totally depends on what you are designing.

So if you want to solder through hole components then you need different tool kits. But if you want to solder SMDs then you need to be very careful and would need particular type of soldering devices.

I would recommend for complete beginners to start with through hole components. As it is easy to solder and doesn’t need special tools except for a decent soldering station and a few soldering accessories. Look for a kit with thick terminals and once you got some experience then try solder simple SMDs soldering kits.

List of some best soldering practice kits

I think I have shared all the information that I have about the topic. Now let’s have a look at some soldering kits. I will start with very basic soldering kits, talk about the intermediate models, and then end with some high-end soldering practice kits. So please keep on reading.

Also, keep in mind, that I am not going to repeatedly talk about the above must have features of the soldering kit over again and again. They are applied to all the below mentioned kits.

Also, I am not going to add some fancy-looking kits that you will see a bunch of them online. Look man, I am an engineer and technical terms are more romantic to me than the looks. 

1. Colorful CD4017

The first best soldering practice kit I have for you is the colorful CD4017. It is a board with LEDs. The LEDs turn ON based on the sound intensity in the room. Which makes this kit so much interesting.

best soldering practice kits

This is a through hole PCB board. With this board, you will have the opportunity to learn how to work with integrated circuit (ICs) and how to properly solder it.

Moreover, you will also learn and solder the following:

  • BJT transistors
  • Resistors
  • Microphone
  • Capacitors

So if you want to learn more about this amazing kit. Then here is the link to Colorful CD4017 (Amazon link) for your own further research.

2. Etoput Soldering practice game kit

This kit is a game console. At the end of soldering this practice kit, you will have a retro game that you can play. It is double fun, one is soldering, and the second is the game to play.

practice kits for soldering adults

This kit comes with a proper case so, in the end, you will have a finished product, not just a soldered board. It comes with 5 retro games of the 51 single-chip games. Also, it comes with a buzzer, with a game background sound.

The best part is, that it provides you with detailed soldering instructions, clear pictures, and detailed descriptions.

Now if this best soldering practice kit has got your attention. Then here is the link to the Etoput Soldering practice game kit (Amazon link) for your own further investigation and research.

3. Elenco Soldering Project Kit

This soldering kit comes from the Elenco brand which is a very popular brand for making amazing DIY kits. For 30 years Elenco has been using its strong engineering and design skills to develop reliable, affordable electronic test equipment, tools, and educational kits.

The soldering kit I have for you from this brand is remarkable and will challenge your soldering skills.

Soldering DIY kit

This interesting part is, that you will learn how to work with multivibrators circuit boards. You will learn how to solder properly a load speaker to a PCB.

If this kit has got your attention. Here is the link to Elenco Soldering Project Kit (Amazon link) for your own further investigation and research.

4. FM Radio Kit

As the name suggests this is a kit that you will solder to have a working FM radio. The FM will auto search the available radio stations in your area. And you will be able to listen to any radio station in the frequency band of 88-108Mhz.

best DIY kit for soldering

This kit is a little advance. This kit works on Radio frequency, i.e., this is an RF circuit board. You might find the behind concepts pretty hard to understand. But hay! We are just focusing on soldering not on how things are working.

With this soldering DIY kit you will have hand on experience working with inductors, tuning blocks, and most importantly with the radio antenna.

If this DIY soldering kit has got your attention. Here is the link to FM Radio Kit (Amazon link) for your own further deep research.

5. Learn to Solder Kit & FM Radio Kit

The above kits assume that you know much about soldering and just want to have some practice. But what if you are a complete beginner and want to first learn how to solder and then want to have some practice board? In the latter case, you’re going to love the below kit.

This kit has a guide for you on how to solder and have an FM radio kit to practice.

practice diy for learning soldering

The best of this kit is, that this kit also includes solder, a soldering iron, and wire cutters. 

Here is the link to this amazing soldering kit for your own further research and investigation, Learn to Solder Kit & FM Radio Kit (Amazon link).

6. Line following robotic kit

If you are interested in robots then this kit will make your day. This best practice kit for soldering is a line following robot. Meaning that after soldering this kit you will have a robot that will follow a line on its own. This is so much fun.

robotic soldering practice kit

This kit may take some time to assemble, but the end result would be worth the time and effort.

With this kit, you will exposure to work with DC motors, ICs, capacitors, LEDs, and most importantly potentiometers.

If this robot has got your attention. Here is the link to Line following robotic kit (Amazon link) for your own further research and investigation.

7. Digital Clock Kit

The last kit I have for you is the fun digital clock kit. This kit is a working digital clock to solder. This is a really simple kit to solder and should not take you much time.

DIY soldering kit

The connections on this kit are clearly mapped, and labels on the board make it easy to assemble.

This Electronic Clock Kit is equipped with an STC11F02E master chip. DC5.5*2.1 power port with 5V power supply, come along with a 3.5 mm USB power cable, plug in the USB charger to use it.

If this kit has got your attention, and you want to get your hand dirty on this soldering DIY kit. Here is the link to Digital Clock Kit (Amazon link) for your own further research.


When you design a circuit. The next thing is to prototype the design to verify the results in real-time.

For circuit prototyping, you need to have soldering skills. Without these skills, you will find it hard to verify your results.

The best way to sharpen your soldering skill is to practice it. For practice, you need to have some best soldering practice kits in your lab.

In this article, I just talk about these practice kits. I share some tips and some lessons I learned in my journey.

So that is it. That I all I have for you to share about some soldering DIY kits to practice and solder.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Thank you and have a grateful life.

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