I think the end goal of electronics is to learn electronic circuits. Because, without the proper understanding of electronic circuits, one may not be able to build amazing products and solve real-time problems.

An electronic circuit is a careful combination of electronic components that we arrange and put together in a specific way to make a complete circuit. Now, this complete circuit may be intended for learning, or it could be a solution to a big problem. There are two types of circuits: Analog and digital. 

In the rest of this article, I will share in great detail what is an electronics circuit, what is its core function, what we need to make working circuits, tools for designing a circuit, testing a circuit, types of circuits, and so much more.

Learn electronic circuits for beginners

Have you ever opened any electronic device? If yes then you may have noticed a green board in it. This green board is an electronic circuit board.

This green board is responsible for the functions of that product or device. For example, the motherboard of your PC and laptop that does all the amazing things on the screen is an electronic circuit.

I can talk on the green board, but you have the idea that an electronic circuit is like the backbone of any electronic product you see around you.

Now let see in detail what is an electronic circuit and how we can properly define it.

Definition of an electronic circuit

Electronics is the study of the flow of charges in semiconductor devices. These semiconductor devices are made of semiconductor materials such as Silicon and Germanium.

Before the proper definition of an electronic circuit, let’s have a little bit idea of the components that make up a circuit.

Now, semiconductor devices that we study in electronics are the following:

  • Diodes
  • Transistors
  • LEDs
  • Thyristors
  • FETs
  • IGBTs

These devices are also called electronic components. Electronics components is a more popular term, and you will see it a lot, but this term just means semiconductor devices that we use in electronics.

Other than the above electronic components we also have the following electrical component. 

  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Inductors
  • Transformers
  • Relays

Now we have an idea about various components. Now it is the time to play with them and make some circuits.

The combined electronics and electrical components help us make and design amazing circuits. The combination of these components determines the behavior and purpose of a circuit.

The same resistors, diodes, and capacitors connected in some way may make a power supply circuit. However, the same components with different arrangements may end in a whole different circuit.

An electronic circuit is a careful arrangement of various components that serve a specific task. For example, the electronic circuit of your PC is to help you play games, connect to the internet, do your work, and so much so.

Following is the example of the circuit board for your reference.

Learn electronic circuits for beginners

We arrange the components to make a PC or laptop circuit. We arranged different components to make a toy. We arrange them to serve space rockets. We arrange them to help us communicate with the outer satellites and the list goes on.

In a simpler way:

An electronic circuit is a careful and logical combination of various components such as diodes, resistors, and capacitors by connecting wires.

The electronic circuit has different types now let’s move on to the types of circuits.

Types of electronic circuit

There are so many types of electronic circuits. But I think explaining them in detail right now is not a good idea. So I will give you the names and a brief introduction.

Following are the two main types of circuits.

a. Analog circuits

You know, if we pay attention to our surroundings we will find out that everything is continuous. Like the sounds we hear are continuous in nature. The temperature change is also in continuous form. 

Similarly, voltage signals are continuous, current flows in a continuous nature, and so on.

Alternating signal
Analog signal

So the type of electronics that deals with continuous quantities and signals is called analog electronics. The circuit that we designed to work with continuous signals is called an analog circuit.

b. Digital circuit

Analog electronics require a high bandwidth which is very expensive from the manufacturing point of view. So we convert analog signals to digital signals to decrease the bandwidth requirements.

Also, digital signals are more prone to nose compared with analog signals.

Now, the circuits that deal with digital signals are called digital circuits. They are everywhere these days because of their highly promising features.

Open circuits

Let’s talk about the most common term used in electronic circuits, i.e., open circuits.

A circuit must make a complete loop or a complete path for the current to flow, else the circuit would be an open circuit or incomplete circuit. 

In simple language, an incomplete circuit is called an open circuit. Or more technically speaking any two electrical points on a board or circuit that offer infinite electrical resistance, we call it an open circuit.

open circuit in electronics

By applying Ohmā€™s law we can see, that any circuit points that offer very large (infinite) resistance will be treated as open circuit points. The interesting facts about open circuits are:

  • There can be any voltage value across the points i.e. for example in the above picture point A and B have any value voltage.
  • No current flows through the open circuit whatsoever.

Short circuits

Opposite to the open circuit, there is a short circuit. Technically speaking, any two electrical points on a board or circuit that offer zero resistance are referred to as a short circuit.

These are unintended connections and can damage the circuit elements.

Short circuit in electronics

When we apply Ohmā€™s law to the short circuit we end up with zero resistance. The following are basic things you should keep in mind about a short circuit.

  • The voltage difference across a short circuit is always zero
  • Any amount of current can flow into a short circuit. And this is the reason we often hear a building catch fire because of an electrical short circuit.

Now we combine two components by shorting their terminal to one another, this is good and this is how we connect components. But if we short the connection of the two terminals of the same device we might end up damaging that device.

Closed circuits

A closed circuit term is used for a circuit if there is a continuous path from the power source to the load. In simple words, when there is no breakage in the circuit and continuously the energy is transferred to the load. 

The resistance of closed circuits is less than the open circuit and it defines the load connected to it. 

The basic thing that should be known about closed circuits is the following. 

  • The applied voltage in closed circuits is distributed between the connected loads. 
  • The current flows in the closed circuit. 

For circuits to operate properly the path between the supply voltage and the load should be closed. 

Series circuits 

In series circuits, the components are connected end to end to in line. The series circuit is easy to understand and it doesnā€™t heat up quickly. 

The current in the series circuit flows the same through all the components because the current has only one path to flow. The voltage across each component is different. 

As you can see in the series circuit diagram, the current is the same across each resistance.

Series circuits

There are some disadvantages of a series circuit when the total number of components increases the resistance of the circuit increases. The circuit will break when there is a fault in any of the components. 

Parallel circuits 

When the components are connected across each otherā€™s leads the circuit is called a parallel circuit. There are two to three paths for current to flow. 

parallel circuits

When you are working with a parallel circuit you can easily connect or disconnect the components without disturbing the entire circuit and other components. 

The voltage across each component that is connected in parallel are same and the current is different.  

Designing an electronics circuit

We have discussed the proper definition of electronic circuits and seen some useful types of circuits.

Now let’s talk about how to design electronic circuits from scratch as a complete beginner.

a. Idea

First of all, you need to have an idea of what problem you want to solve with an electronic circuit. This is the hard part when you are a startup and trying to solve a big problem.

But for beginners, you can look for some inspiration. Or at your earlier stages, I would recommend just starting with a step by step project. A project that will lead you from start to end.

Once you have some experience working with guided projects. Start working on some small projects of your desire. And then slowly move toward your projects.

For example, you are at home, and you have an idea of how to remotely control your home lights from anywhere in the world. Start by controlling one bulb in your room, then work on your entire room, and then scale it to your entire home.

b. Circuit simulations

After you decide what you want to build it is time to do some head and trial solutions. The best way to do this is to use circuit simulation software.

Circuit simulation software is a tool that we use to design and test our circuits without physically implementing them. These simulation software programs are available for offline computer installation as well as for online use as well.

With circuit simulation, we test the various circuit designs that we think are good and see the results. Circuit simulation is kinda the research part of a whole circuit design process.

best simulation software for electronics
Multisim software

We research different circuits, try our imagination, and come up with a circuit that will get the job done.

For complete beginners working with DIY projects, this stage will not make sense to you. As you are already given a circuit diagram to replicate. But remember this circuit diagram is prepared using circuit simulation software.

c. Circuit prototyping

After we come up with our final solution trying with different simulations. It is time to physically implement the circuit to verify the simulation results. You know the process of learning electronic circuits is fun when it comes to this stage, the circuit prototyping.

Circuit prototyping is a process in which we make our circuit on a solderless breadboard to verify our simulation circuit and its results with a real-time circuit.

In circuit prototyping, we use breadboard which is a solderless device. This makes us able to make a temporary circuit without permanently soldering the components together.

Following is an example of a circuit prototype.

Circuit Prototype

You know, circuit simulation has limitations as well as breadboard (it introduces parasitic R, L, and C, especially for RF circuits.) has its limitations. But both give us a pretty close real evaluation of how our circuit or project would perform in practical scenarios.

d. PCB design

Circuit prototypes help us verify the results and give us a clear vision of whether the circuit is going to work in real-time situations or not.

When we are satisfied with the results. It’s time to make a PCB for the circuit. PCB is short for printed circuit boards. These are the green boards you see in almost every product these days.

Following is the example of a PCB board:

PCB Designing
Learn electronic circuits (PCB design)

As we discussed there are different softwares for circuit designing. Similarly, there are also some PCB design software as well. We design the PCB in those softwares, generate the required files, and send them to PCB manufacturers for batch production.

e. Batch production

This is the last stage of any electronic circuit design. In this stage, we generate files from the PCB software called the Gerber files.

First, we make a PCB prototype to again verify the results. We sent out this PCB for CE and FCC (Federal Communications Commission) testing as well. Because when the design PCB doesn’t pass these tests we will not be allowed to sell the products with this circuit board.

After clearing all the tests, and we are fully satisfied with everything. It is time for batch manufacturing.

Above was the process of designing an electronic circuit. Keep in mind that you can’t excel in all the processes of electronic circuit design. Choose the part that you like the most and be an expert in it.

Tools to work with electronic circuits

You know to work with electronic circuits we should have a proper lab setting. This lab should not be equipped with all the advanced devices at the beginner level. However, it must have the following tools to test and analyze the circuits.

You saw the above circuit prototypes. These circuit prototypes are only possible if we have the right tools and devices in our lab.

a. Multimeter

Let’s start with our first lab tool to learn electronic circuits, called the multimeter.

You know, a multimeter is a very fundamental tool when it comes to electronics. It is like the go to device when we want to measure various quantities.

It helps us to measure the resistances of a resistor, voltages, current, and so much more.

best beginner multimeters
SZ08 Multimeter

Briefly, the multimeter is used to measure the following. Donā€™t worry if you are a complete beginner and donā€™t know about the following just yet. Just remember the multimeter as a measuring tool.

You can see for yourself that this little device has so much importance when it comes to electronic circuits. I think if you don’t have this device you will not be able to learn electronic circuits effectively possible.

Now to get yourself a decent multimeter, the following post will help you in getting in your own first multimeter.

b. Breadboard

The next tool is the breadboard. A breadboard is a tool we use all the time when making any circuit prototype. It is like a go-to tool when it comes to building physical circuits.

Remember, we use a breadboard to make circuits, but these circuits are prototypes.

Prototype circuits are those circuits that we use to test our results before sending out our design to the manufacturing house for high-volume production.

best electronics tools to buy

Breadboards come in various shapes and sizes. But every breadboard has rows and columns. We put our components in these rows and columns, depending on our design.

Also, we connect various components through connecting wires. In the end, we have a working prototype of a circuit (if everything goes the precise way it is supposed to be).

c. Connecting wires

As the name is explaining itself effectively. Connecting wires are copper wires which help us connect various electronic components together in the required manner to build electronic circuits.

Connecting wires come in various shapes, sizes, and lengths. But they all serve the main above application.

jumper wires

The above wires are perfect to work with a breadboard. But it is not necessary that you have to use them in every circuit.

d. Power supply

The next device that we would need for our basic lab is the power supply. No matter what type of circuit or project you work on. You require a power source to power them up.

Power supply just helps us achieve the above in an efficient and safe way.

You can consider a power supply as an energy supply source for our electronics projects and circuits. Without energy there will be no working circuits, thatā€™s simple.

power supply

And that is why a decent power supply is a must have tool, device, or equipment for an electronics guyā€™s work environment.

e. Component tester

When you are a beginner and you got one project you are really excited about. At such a moment you really enjoy your time.

You have a few components to work with.

But imagine if you are working on a bigger project. Or electronics repair is your job or the field you want to excel in. Then working with a lot of electronic components will be a bigger challenge for you.

Because it takes time to check each component whether is good or bad. To handle this we need to have one of the best electronics tools called the components tester.

best transistor tester yaman m328
M328 Component tester

People also call it a transistor tester. But both names refer to the same device.

You just simply put any electronic component in this device, and it tells you right away if the component is good or bad. It also gives you its respective value as well, decreasing your multimeter usage as well.

If you want to buy a high-quality componets tester, see our article for making wise decision.

f. Oscilloscope

The next device is the oscilloscope. This device helps us visually analyze the various circuit signals.

As we have discussed above, circuits are mostly of two types, i.e., analog and digital circuits. Analog circuit works with continuous signals while digital circuits work best with digital signals.


To study the behavior of both circuits at the output side we need a tool to visually help us see the signal, and analyze and measure its various parameters.

The tool which helps us achieve the above is called an oscilloscope. We use this tool to draw the graphs, perform mathematical functions on them, and take informed decisions about the circuit.

g. Component kits

This one is very important in my opinion. Like if you donā€™t have proper components then how are you going to build circuits with. This just does not make any sense to me.

By electronics component tool kit, I mean a proper selection of various electronics components packed in well-organized boxes or bags.

best electronics tools for beginners
Component kit

The most common use components are:

  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • LEDs
  • Diodes
  • Transistors
  • Potentiometers
  • Buzzers

Of course, there are a lot of other components as well. But as a beginner, you will most probably be just working with the above ones.

Circuit testing and troubleshooting

One of the amazing things to learn about electronic circuits is to test old or new circuits, and if they are not working properly try to troubleshoot them.

Circuit testing is to verify the output at each stage of a circuit. By verifying I mean to see if the circuit is giving you the results that it is supposed to give or not.

Troubleshooting is something different. In this, we are looking to spot out what causing the issues in the circuit. This task is tedious and takes a lot of time and experience to troubleshoot various electronic circuits.


To learn electronic circuits for beginners, the first thing you should have is willpower. Because without willpower it is not possible to do anything and learning about electronic circuits is no different.

When you have the willpower then I believe circuits are a fun and exciting field to join.

To properly define an electronic circuit I can say, an electronic circuit is a proper combination of various electronic components to perform a specific task.

There are two main types of circuits analog and digital circuits. Other than these two there are open, short, parallel, and series circuits as well.

So that is it. That is all I have for you about learning electronic circuits. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you and have a grateful life.

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