When it comes to making electronic projects, we use breadboards. Breadboard help us prototype our circuit. Compensate for our error and give us the ability to use the same components for other projects.

Now when we make circuits on a breadboard. We need the power to power the circuits. As beginners, we use batteries or dry cells. But with time, we learn it is not a good idea to keep the cost effective.

So, the better solution is to buy a breadboard kit with a built in power supply. Such breadboards are called powered breadboards.

You may wonder how to select the best powered breadboard for your projects. What parameter to look for when picking the right breadboard? What should be the price range, and perhaps many more questions like these?

Well, in this article this is what we will cover.

At the end of this article, you should be able to know:

  • What are some best powered breadboards for beginners
  • What parameter to look for
  • How to use a powered breadboard kit for circuit projects

Sounds interesting? Then I am sure you will enjoy the rest of this article as well.

Let’s get started.

Best Powered Breadboard kit for beginners

As we all know, a breadboard is a tool that has rows and columns. Columns are shorted and rows are open. Short means column connections are the same and continuous. While the row connections are disconnected from each other.

Best powered breadboard

Every breadboard is best depending on the size of the hole and built quality. Now you got so many various types of breadboards. That some people confuse it. It is very simple, the size and shape are only there to help you according to your project.


The best powered breadboard that I and other field professionals recommend is either the, or the. They are the best because they come from proven brands, used by thousands of people. They are reliable, and of high quality, and the best part is they have a very decent price tag.

But before we jump to a list of the amusing breadboard with power supplies. First, see what we should look for when picking up our breadboard.

Choosing the right powered breadboard.

A breadboard is a simple tool. There are not that many technical things to look for.

I have created the following few parameters that will help you in making the right decision.

a. Digital Display

These must be good digital displays for voltage readings. The display should show all the readings for voltage. If the breadboard kit doesn’t have this feature then you will use a multimeter for such a thing, which I think is time consuming.

The more value the given display can give the better. Like if the board has a display for current reading as well, then of course that one is better than the one that just gives a voltage reading only.

b. Fixed Voltage Source

A fixed voltage source is a voltage source that has a fixed value voltage irrespective of the given load. This fixed value source must be 5V. All of your beginner level projects would need this fixed value.

c. Variable Voltage Source

Not all the circuits would need a fixed 5V. There will be some cases where you require a different voltage value. In that situation, you should have a variable voltage source on your breadboard kit.

A variable voltage source is capable of providing us with different values of voltage according to our project.

The good rule of thumb is this variable voltage source should be in the range of 0 to 20V. If the range is maximum the better. But it will add an extra cost as well.

The other thing is, you may also need a negative variable voltage source as well. So the breadboard kit must have a variable negative voltage source as well to work with an operational amplifier and similar projects.

d. Current Rating

By current rating, I mean the capability of your breadboard kit for providing current for your circuit projects. The current rating should be high up to 2A. Because at beginner level I think this current range is more suitable.

But of course the higher this number the better.

Most powered breadboard kits provide high current for fixed value voltage and low current value for variable voltage sources. This is what you should keep in mind while selecting the best powered breadboard kit for your lab and projects.

e. Safety Feature

Safety is the number one priority because you will be working with the main AC voltage. So the breadboard kit you work with must be highly protected against any electrical hazard.

f. User Friendly

If you buy a powered breadboard kit, and it is not that friendly. Then I would say you made the wrong choice. Your kit must be user friendly. Like to operate it for certain situations there should be no requirement for checking the manual guide or searching online.

g. Good Quality

Quality will make your powered breadboard kit reliable, safe, and live for the long run. Quality breadboard kit no doubt will cost a little more. But I would say the money will be worth it because of the quality results you will take using a quality breadboard kit.

With a quality breadboard kit, no connecting wire will pop up and there will no noises and glitches in the power source.

List of top powered breadboard

I think I have shared all the information that I have about the topic. Now let’s have a look at some powered breadboards. I will start with very basic powered breadboards then I will talk about the intermediate models and then will end with some professional powered breadboards. So please keep on reading.

I am not going to repeatedly talk about the above must have features of powered breadboard over again and again. They are applied to all the below mentioned models.

Also, I am not going to add some fancy-looking models that you will see a bunch of them online. Look man, I am an engineer and technical terms are more romantic to me than looks. 

1. Electronix Express Powered Breadboard

Starting with our first best powered breadboard. It is from the Electronix Express brand. This brand is popular for making various kinds of breadboards.

The breadboard from this brand, the model PBB-509 is amazing. It has all the features we just discussed above.

Best powered breadboards for beginners

Important features:

  • Provides users with an efficient way to make their electronic circuits on the breadboard
  • Three DC Power Supplies: One +5V DC @ 1A, One variable 0 to +15V (500mA), One variable 0 to -15V (500mA)
  • Two LED display voltmeters show 0-15V positive and 0-15V negative outputs
  • Solderless breadboard: 5 distribution and 3 terminal strips (2390 tie points)

In a short summary, the Electronix Express Powered Breadboard (Amazon link) is an amazing option for students and hobbyists. It has control knobs for voltage control, banana plugs for easy connection to power, and overcurrent protection.

2. Circuit Specialists Powered Breadboard

The next breadboard is from the circuit specialist brand. It is well proven brand when it comes to electronics testing measuring tools.

This brand focuses on bringing quality products to its customers for the past 50 years. With expertise in specialty test equipment, custom lab kitting, and the makerspace, Circuit Specialists strives to provide the experience of your local electronics store to our customers worldwide.

breadboard power supply for beginners

Important features:

  • With two Light Emitting Diode Displays (LED’s) to conveniently show the 0-15 positive and 0-15 negative outputs.
  • Quick and efficient system for breadboarding electronic circuits
  • Comes with three regulated power supplies
  • With over 1800 separate contact points and built in terminals for distribution of its 15 volts of onboard power, the PBB-272B powered breadboard workstation is a great hands on way to learn circuit design and construction. 

If this breadboard has got your attention. Then here is a link to Circuit Specialists Powered Breadboard (Amazon link) for your own further investigation.

3. Makeronics Breadboard Kit 3220


So the above kits are expensive. And what if someone has already a power supply? Then I think this type of breadboard would be more useful than the above ones.

The type of breadboard in the below picture is from the Makeronics brand. This brand has thousands of users and based on their reviews and experience, I think they are satisfied with the quality of this breadboard.

Solderless breadboard

Breadboard 3220 is designed for solderless experimental design electronic circuit manufacture. A variety of electronic components can be freely inserted or removed as needed.

Important features:

  • Accepts most electronic components, including integrated circuits and transistors for digital and/or analog circuitry;
  • ABS plastic material
  • Completely reusable
  • Binding Posts are Coded Black, Red, Blue, and Green.
  • Accepts a variety of wire sizes(AWG:20-29)
  • Colored coordinates for easy component placement
  • Pins are identified by numbered rows and columns;
  • Ideal for high frequency and low noise circuits;

In a short summary, the Makeronics Breadboard Kit (Amazon link) is an amazing choice for people who have a power supply in their labs.

4. JAMECO Breadboard Kit

The next best breadboard kit is from the JAMECO brand.

Jameco has been making electronic components and devices for over 45 years. They have helped millions of customers from businesses to educational institutions to hobbyists and along the way, they have built a solid reputation for selection and a source for hard-to-find electronic components.

The breadboard kit from this brand is amazing and has a reusable construction base for prototyping electronics circuits.

Important features:

  • Pins are identified by numbered rows and columns making working more efficient and less stressful.
  • The holes in this breadboard are spaced 0.1″ which is the most common spacing for breadboards to accommodate standard DIP components.
  • Suited for analog and low frequency circuitry

In a short summary, the JAMECO Breadboard Kit (Amazon link) is ideal for STEM projects and classroom atmospheres as it promotes learning and testing.

5. DEVMO Solderless Breadboard

The next breadboard kit is from the Devmo brand. This breadboard can be connected to any given power supply and is very easy to use.

best breadboard kit for beginners

Important features:

  • Durable, sturdy breadboard with parallel power rails to make prototyping super easy
  • Simple Power distribution
  • It comes with four power connectors
  • Test board size: 20.5 cm X 23.5 cm

In a short summary, the DEVMO Solderless Breadboard (Amazon link) has a clear structure, easy to use, and can be easily assembled in fixed units.

6. Ayaroun Breadboard with Power Supply

The next breadboard is from the Ayaroun brand. This is a simple breadboard that comes with a fixed value power supply. I am including this for students who have limited budgets.

Breadboard kit with power supply

Important features:

  • This kit is suitable for SCM power expansion, electronic building blocks, intelligent cars, Arduino robots, etc.
  • The breadboard can be best used for resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, LEDs, and most all other types of components
  • No welding and other tools are required, convenient for experiment and DIY projects

In a short summary, the Ayaroun Breadboard with Power Supply (Amazon link) is a complete package that comes with 830 point breadboard kit, 65 Pieces of M/M flexible breadboard jumper wires, and a breadboard power module.

7. HUAREW Breadboard Kit

The last breadboard kit that I have for you is from the Huarem. This breadboard comes with a power supply, battery clip, and a bunch of jumper wires.

Battery clip is useful as you can directly connect the battery to the power module and instantly get 5V voltage value.

best breadboard for students

Important features:

830 & 400 tie-Points Breadboard

  • Comes with a power module having the specifications:
  • Input voltage: 6.5-12 V (DC) or USB power supply; Output voltage: 3.3V/5V can switch over
  • Maximum output current: <700 miili Ampere
  • Breadboard Material: ABS Plastic Panel, Tin Plated Phosphor Bronze Contact Sheet
  • Very easy to use.
  • It has high quality and is reliable

In a short summary, the HUAREW Breadboard Kit (Amazon link) is Suitable for beginners to make DIY projects, which can be used for teaching, practice, and experiments.

What is Powered Breadboard

A powered breadboard is a common normal breadboard with the exception that a powered breadboard has it’s own built in power supply.

A powered breadboard has grown and columns. Rows are open and columns are shorted. Some breadboards may have many rows and columns.

It has a fixed voltage supply as well as the option for a variable power supply as well.

I believe this type of breadboard is suited for students who don’t have a lab supply with them. Or for a person who is a hobbyist and wants to make some fun electronic DIYS and circuits.

This breadboard is not helpful if you have already a decent power supply in a lab. Like in my opinion it doesn’t make any sense then.

These types of powered breadboards are a little more expensive than the normal breadboard, but I think the reason is very obvious.

How to use a powered breadboard

This is very simple. Using a powered breadboard is similar to using a normal breadboard. In fact, you don’t need to plug the external power source line anymore as you do for your normal breadboard.

With a powered breadboard, you get prebuilt power supply for your circuit. Just connect the plugs of the given voltage value to your breadboard. And that is it.


When we design or circuit. To verify its results we need to make that circuit on a breadboard with actual components.

Or we make projects on a breadboard for fun or learning purposes.

No matter what is the situation. We need a power supply to power these circuits up.

But if circuit prototyping is our job, and we do it on daily bases. Then a good choice is to go for a powered breadboard.

A powered breadboard is a breadboard that has built in power supply to power our projects.

In this article, we look at some best powered breadboards for beginners. We also looked at how to select the best one from some choices out there on the market.

Following is just a brief summary of what to look for.

A powered breadboard must have a digital display for voltages

  • A fixed voltage value of 5V
  • A variable voltage source of range from 0 to 20V
  • A variable voltage source of range 0 to -20V. We need negative voltage for so many projects. So the powered breadboard must have this range.
  • It should have high quality and user friendly
  • It must be ESD safe. This means it should not harm our components when we use it.



That is it. That is all I have for you about some of the best powered breadboards out there on the market. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you and have a grateful life.

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