These days there are fewer devices that would have no USB connection. USB ports & cables are the core part of almost every device. And this number continues to increase.

Since a USB port is used a lot, the chance of it getting damaged is a lot.

Now, it is very important to check a USB port or cable first before declaring the whole device a faulty one.

The question is How to check a USB port.

The simple answer is, to use a quality USB tester or meter.

At the end of this article, you should be able to:

  • Define what is a USB tester.
  • How does a USB tester help us check a bad USB port or cable?
  • Learn about how to use any given USB tester

Sounds interesting? Then, let’s get started.

What is a USB Tester

As the name suggests, a USB tester is a tool that we use to test and check a USB port and a USB cable.

Following is a USB tester for your reference.

USB tester multimeter
USB Tester

There are many USB testers out there depending on the type of USB port.

For example, for USB A we can use a USB A tester. For USB-C, you can use a USB-C tester. Also, if you have different types of USB ports, then you can have a combo USB tester as well.

As you can see in the above picture. A USB tester has an input side and an output side. The input goes to the port which we want to test.

The output side is connected to the device or the load.

You see, a USB tester is like a middle person between the port and the device. Other than the input and output sides. A tester has a big screen. This is where we get the values of voltage, current, power, and so many others.

As a USB tester measure USB port voltages and current. That is why it is also called a USB multimeter.

Another important thing to note about USB meters is that they come in various shapes and sizes. And every model may have a lot of different features than the other one.

Why a USB Tester?

USB ports are everywhere. There are various types of USB ports and this number is increasing as new products are hitting the market each year. As these ports are everywhere and have daily use.

Often time they get damaged or become faulty. We need to check them in such mentioned cases.

We need to check them for their correct voltage, current, and power capabilities.

To do so we use a USB meter.

Also, we use USB testers to find out the good or bad USB cables as well.

How to use a USB Meter?

As I shared above, the USB tester (Amazon link) can vary depending on the type of USB port you want to test. But don’t worry.

The following general method can apply to any port.

A USB port is capable of providing a certain amount of current and voltage. When these current and voltage values degrade for whatever reasons. Then we have a bad USB port.

To simply test a port, we look for the value of voltage and current. If a port gives these parameters, it is a good port. Else the port is bad or degraded.

Let’s first go for the voltage testing method;

Voltage Testing

Follow the following steps:

  • Take your USB tester (it doesn’t matter which type you have)
  • Plug the tester into the port you want to test.
  • The USB tester will automatically turn on.
  • See the voltage reading on the screen
  • If there is a voltage value, and it is in the range of 5V, then you have a good USB port.
  • Else if you don’t see any voltage value, your USB port is damaged and should be replaced or repaired.

Usually, a port can have correct values of voltages. But it doesn’t alone conform that the port is fine. We need to look for the current value as well.

Current testing

You know, a device draws current according to its requirements. For example, if a port can provide 300mA, but a device need only 50ma. Then the device only draws the 50mA.

Also, an open port has no current draw.

This means that to check a port for current, the port must be connected to an artificial load or the exact device for which it is designed.


So to test a USB port for current, we require having some kind of load available to us.

After that, we would be able to do the following steps:

  • Take your USB tester
  • And connect it to the port you want to test.
  • Connect the other side of your USB tester to the load.
  • If there is no load available. Connect it to your device.
  • See the results on the screen.
  • If you see some current value, then it means you have a good port.
  • If you don’t see any current draw, then your port is damaged and is not working properly.

Now, we are able to finally tell with confidence if you have a good or bad port.

Good USB port: Will give you the value of both current and voltages

Bad USB port: Will not give you any value. It may give you the voltage value but will not give the current values.

Power Testing

A good USB meter is also cable of giving you the power ratings and values as well. For this value follow the following easy steps:

  • Take your USB tester
  • Connect it to the port you want to find the power capability.
  • Connect the load or the device to the other side of the USB meter.
  • See the results on the screen.
  • On the screen, if the port is fine, the USB cable is fine, and your device is fine, you will see the power values.

Now if the USB port is of a power bank you can clearly see the power the bank is providing.


Before declaring your device the bad one. It is really useful to first check if itโ€™s the USB port that is causing the problem or if itโ€™s the USB cable that is acting naughty.

There are so many ways you can test your USB port and cable. But a preferred way to check if your USB port is working the way it is supposed to be is by using one of the best USB testers out there on the market.

People use different words for this device, i.e., people often call it USB voltage tester, USB power meter, or USB multimeter. You are free to use any name you like, the functionality is the same.

Any best USB meter should be capable of checking the voltages across the USB port, and current from the port to load, and should give you the charge storage capacity measure in mAh. These are the basic quantities but USB meters are not limited to these. You can have a meter with time measuring capability as well.

So that is it. That is all I have for you to share about what is a USB meter and how to use it. I really hope you enjoyed this article.

Thank you and have a grateful life.

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